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Photo: Mark Round/flickr
| December 22, 2016

Slowly but surely, Kathleen Wynne reveals herself to be a standard issue Liberal

Photo: Canada 2020/flickr

I still think she's salvageable, said someone normally NDP but who's given up on provincial NDP leader Andrea Horwath. She meant Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. It's hard to recall the hopes Wynne once inspired and how fresh she seemed. Let's refresh our memories.

When she ran for Liberal leadership in 2013, she'd be asked, portentously, if she really thought someone like her could succeed in Ontario politics. What you mean, she'd say brightly, is: Can a lesbian from Toronto become premier? The way she put it made you think: Perhaps. It was bracing and confident.


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Photo: Alex Luyckx/flickr
| August 5, 2015
Premier Kathleen Wynne endorsing Adam Vaughn in 2014
| April 24, 2015
Photo: Jason Spaceman/flickr
| April 24, 2015
Image: wikimedia commons
| March 6, 2015
| February 9, 2015
| November 18, 2014
Photo: 401(K) 2012/flickr
| October 2, 2014
| September 8, 2014
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