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'Giving the people what they couldn't possibly want': Notes from Ontario's homecare system

Image: Will Fisher/flickr

When the two young women from the CCAC (Community Care Access Centre) appeared at my bedside the morning I was being discharged from the hospital I could tell they really wanted to help. The senior of the two was reading my chart as she introduced me to the woman she was training. They both smiled implausibly brightly.

"Sooo..." she said, as she squinted at the nursing notes. "You had an ileostomy before, so you're OK to manage that? But you need wound care?"


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Ontario home care is a system in crisis

Photo: [AndreasS]/flickr

Most of us shudder at the idea of being hospitalized or living in a long-term care facility. As people age, it is understandable that their most common goal is to be at home as long as possible. And as people experience health care in inadequately funded hospitals across the country, the prospect of facing deteriorating health in a public institution becomes even more unnerving. It is in this context that the Ontario government released their new plan for home care on May 13, "Patients First: A Roadmap to Strengthen Home and Community Care."


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November 19, 2014 |
A massive rally at Queen's Park with more than 3,000 people in attendance from across Ontario to save our community hospitals and stop the contracting out of hospital services to private clinics.
| June 6, 2014

Take back our hospitals! Northeastern Ontario rally

Monday, November 30, 2015 - 12:00pm


Gateway Arch, Lee Park North Bay, ON
46° 18' 33.1956" N, 79° 27' 38.3544" W

Buses will be traveling in from the whole region. For more information on buses email us at ohc@sympatico.ca

Active citizens have succeeded in stopping cuts all across Ontario. On November 30 join a giant rally in North Bay. At the same time we will have a delegation going to the Ontario Legislature to show live video footage of the rally to send a strong message to the Ontario government that the cuts must be stopped.

North Bay is facing among the worst hospital cuts in all Ontario. Services across Northeastern Ontario are being cut, forcing patients to drive further for the care and services they need.

For more information: Sue McIntyre 705-493-9114
Sponsored by: Ontario Health Coalition, local health coalitions across NE Ont.

Take back our hospitals! Southeastern Ontario rally

Friday, November 13, 2015 - 12:00pm


Centennial Park Trenton, ON
44° 6' 56.7684" N, 77° 35' 49.56" W

Buses will be traveling in from the whole region. For more info on buses email us at ohc@sympatico.ca

Active citizens have succeeded in stopping cuts all across Ontario. Let's bring a strong message to our region's senior MPP, Lou Rinaldi in his constituency in Trenton asking him to bring it back to his caucus in the Liberal government: Ontarians insist that hospital cuts stop.

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