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Precarity in higher learning: Neoliberalism and contract faculty contract negotiations at WLU

January 9, 2017
| As contract faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University negotiate a new contract, many in the union have recognized their struggle as a moment in the widescale resistance to neoliberal ideologies.
Length: 47:52 minutes (43.84 MB)
Image: Flickr/me_vanou
| August 17, 2016

Job insecurity: The new normal of work

New research shows long- and short-term consequences of precarious labour in the GTA and Hamilton areas.

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New study points to a new normal: Job insecurity.

Photo: flickr/Jef Safi

A new study released today confirms the broad ranging consequences of precarious labour in urban areas of southern Ontario.

In 2013, PEPSO, a research partnership between United Way Toronto and McMaster University conducted a major study on precarious labour in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton areas. Using data collected from a survey of over 4,000 workers and 28 in-depth interviews, The Precarity Penalty, released today, builds on those findings.



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