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Proportional representation is not 'too complicated' -- the fix is in

Photo: flickr/ liz west

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The voting reform debate in Canada is full of statements like these:



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Not Rex: Trudeau needs to start moving on electoral reform promise

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During his election campaign and at his Throne Speech, Justin Trudeau promised to make every vote count. However, lately on the news of electoral reform it has been crickets.

So what did Trudeau mean when he said "make every vote count": proportional representation, mixed-member proportional representation or ranked ballots?

The Liberals seem to love the last option, which could be a recipe for disaster.


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February 19, 2016 |
The new Liberal government has promised that 2015 was the last election using first-past-the-post. Fair Vote Canada invites you to join a two part webinar on voting Sunday February 21 at 7 PM EST.
Image: wikimedia commons
| June 17, 2015
rabble.ca polls

What is the best voting system for Canada?

Justin Trudeau has promised to "make every vote count" in Canadian elections and reform our first-past-the-post system. However, the government has been silent as of late on how it will proceed with electoral reform in Canada.

There are several options for a new voting system, but most point to proportional representation over other forms as being the best for Canada.

What is the best voting system for Canada?


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