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Populism and faux feminism: Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Justin Trudeau is worried about extremism entering Canada through the electoral system.

If like Canada, France had a first-past-the-post electoral system, Marine Le Pen of the extreme-right National Front would be well placed to be the next president of France. She has led the polls for months.

Instead, because France has two rounds of voting, with the second round limited to the top two finishers in the first round, Le Pen has next to no chance of winning (regardless if she finishes first or second in the first round).


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The trouble with 'populist' billionaires is they serve the same old corporate interests

Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr

We toss around the word "billionaire" pretty freely these days, as if it's just another word for a rich guy.

And yet, try this little quiz: you are given a dollar every second, 24 hours a day. At that rate, it takes 12 days for you to become a millionaire. But how long does it take for you to become a billionaire?

Answer: 32 years.

Being a billionaire isn't just about being rich; it's about being mind-bogglingly rich -- rich beyond most people's comprehension.

And yet the mega-fortunes being amassed these days by the newly emergent class of billionaires -- and the enormous influence and control this gives them over our economy and politics -- barely registers as a political issue.


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Justin Trudeau may be the last neoliberal standing

Photo: Adam Scotti/PMO

Let's be clear on why Trump won. (Won the Electoral College, not the election. A strong enough majority of Americans voted against him.) It wasn't because of racism, fear of immigrants or misogyny. White supremacists and Confederate flag buffs didn't do it -- though they backed him.

He won because he carried four states in the rust belt, where factories once guaranteed people decent lives and which Democrats had always taken for granted. Hillary didn't even campaign there. Without them, Trump loses. In those states, the issue was hatred of free trade, largely in the form of NAFTA. It's now so despised that the term, free, is absent. People refer disgustedly merely to "trade deals."


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Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
| January 5, 2017

Palestinian filmmaker facing deportation from Norway after officials claim he is not a director

Photo courtesy of "Ambulance" documentary (Jabfilm and First Hand Films)

Norwegian film organizations and unions have banded together in an international call for help from groups outside the country to put pressure on their government. At issue is the case of a Palestinian filmmaker, Mohamed Jabaly, who could be deported Dec. 30.

"I was supposed to be sent away today [Dec. 21] but my lawyer asked for more time to get my documents ready, thank God to the local police they understood," Jabaly told rabble.ca in a Skype interview.

"The problem is I don't have a bachelor's in film. I have one in IT but I am a filmmaker!"


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| October 10, 2015
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