Sanctuary CitySyndicate content

| February 8, 2017

Didn't we win the fight to make Toronto the first sanctuary city?

In February 2013, Toronto became Canada’s first Sanctuary City, meaning all people seeking access to municipally funded services in Toronto will be able to avail themselves of these services without regard to their immigration status.  The city has been developing a plan to get city services to effectively provide sanctuary.


Talking Radical Radio

Dismantling barriers faced by migrants to Canada

November 25, 2015
| Sarah St. John and Omar Chu talk about Sanctuary Health's work to challenge barriers to services and resources faced by migrants in Vancouver.
Length: 28:17 minutes (25.9 MB)

Eritrean refugee crisis continues to escalate due to Canadian mining

Photo: flickr/ European Commission DG ECHO

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John Bonnar Audio Blog

Community groups rally against undocumented worker arrests in Toronto

August 18, 2014
| Friends, family members and supporters took part in an emergency rally Monday outside the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and Ministry of Transportation offices.
Length: 22:50 minutes (20.92 MB)
| June 3, 2014
Talking Radical Radio

A victory for migrant justice: Hamilton as 'sanctuary city'

March 5, 2014
| Caitlin Craven and Josee Oliphant talk about organizing to make Hamilton, Ontario, into Canada's second 'sanctuary city.'
Length: 28:28 minutes (26.07 MB)
| April 24, 2013
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