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Unmasking the extreme right threatening U.S. liberal democracy

Photo: Ben Alexander/Wikimedia Commons

In the interest of knowing your enemy, here are some thoughts on what former Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon, a.k.a. Trump's Brain, represents. Whether these two in fusion -- a political Vulcan mind meld -- can uproot two centuries-plus of American liberal democracy, is what's at stake in the coming years (or weeks). For instance, are Bannon and the alt-right, for which, he acknowledges, Breitbart has been "the platform," racist?


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Image: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore
| February 2, 2017

Stand against alt-media in North America

Racist posters calling for alt-right media were posted near a Toronto elementary school.  Just another example of the mundane racism we see south of the border estabilishing itself here, and just another racist incident in recent months.  The interesting thing was the poster included a list of alt-right sites in Canada.  Work against these sites and the hate they promote


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