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Climate Change: I don't want to talk about it

Climate Change: I don't want to talk about it


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Each individual can make a difference by planting trees, installing personal solar systems, reducing consumption or any other method to reduce their carbon footprint. Climate change isn't the issue with so called 'sceptics', the issue is the political use of climate change to further leftist delusions.

Martin N. wrote:
Each individual can make a difference by planting trees, installing personal solar systems, reducing consumption or any other method to reduce their carbon footprint. Climate change isn't the issue with so called 'sceptics', the issue is the political use of climate change to further leftist delusions.

And what would these leftist delusions be? Don't be shy.


On Tuesday, President Obama announced that he was putting hundreds of millions of acres of federally owned waters in the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean off limits "indefinitely" to future oil and gas drilling.

Environmental groups had been calling for precisely this move ever since the election — as a way of preempting Donald Trump. What's interesting here is that while Obama can legally put these areas off limits by executive order, it's not at all clear that Trump can unilaterally reverse this move, at least not without Congress passing a brand-new bill. 




I don't imagine it will be hard for Trump to get Congress to pass a brand new bill on this, unfortunately.

Not if it is filibustered in the senate.

I hope you are right!

Doug Woodard wrote:

Martin N. wrote:
Each individual can make a difference by planting trees, installing personal solar systems, reducing consumption or any other method to reduce their carbon footprint. Climate change isn't the issue with so called 'sceptics', the issue is the political use of climate change to further leftist delusions.

And what would these leftist delusions be? Don't be shy.


That climate change can be mitigated without effect on global population. That, somehow, the pain of mitigation efforts will only affect 'others'. The alarmists never mention the people who now have to choose between shelter, food or heat rather than simply between food and shelter. That, somehow, a drastic reduction in fossil fuel use will still allow the earth to sustain its current population. Always the stirring hue and cry of "denier", never a mention of solutions.

Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions:


Low-income families join solar revolution with help of California NGO

As the wealthy leave the electrical grid, there's a risk the poor will be left paying the bill

If you were to make a list of the poorest areas in Los Angeles, somewhere on that list would be Bertha Dortch's neighbourhood in Inglewood. The 68-year-old is on a fixed income, but she's chosen to take in her great-granddaughter and two foster children. On hot days, she faces difficult choices — does she keep the house cool, or buy groceries?

"Our electric bill was going sky high and I really couldn't turn the air conditioning on," Dortch says.

Now, her monthly energy bill is about to drop by more than a quarter. She's getting solar panels installed on her bungalow, for free, under a state-funded program paid for by California's cap-and-trade revenues....

An obscure Washington policy group that opposes almost any government aid for renewable energy has emerged as an influential force in shaping Donald Trump's plans to dismantle Obama administration climate initiatives.


epaulo13 wrote:

Low-income families join solar revolution with help of California NGO

As the wealthy leave the electrical grid, there's a risk the poor will be left paying the bill

If you were to make a list of the poorest areas in Los Angeles, somewhere on that list would be Bertha Dortch's neighbourhood in Inglewood. The 68-year-old is on a fixed income, but she's chosen to take in her great-granddaughter and two foster children. On hot days, she faces difficult choices — does she keep the house cool, or buy groceries?

"Our electric bill was going sky high and I really couldn't turn the air conditioning on," Dortch says.

Now, her monthly energy bill is about to drop by more than a quarter. She's getting solar panels installed on her bungalow, for free, under a state-funded program paid for by California's cap-and-trade revenues....

yes, solutions. But not in Canada. Jump starting the residential solar industry with tax credits or subsidies for low income will create good jobs, advance technical aspects, lower costs and reduce base load during high usage daytime. Even apartment dwellers can benefit from small systems.

Martin N. wrote:
Doug Woodard wrote:

And what would these leftist delusions be? Don't be shy.

.... That, somehow, a drastic reduction in fossil fuel use will still allow the earth to sustain its current population..

??? You see a decline in world population as undesirable?

these delusions have to do with building supra national international agencies beyond the control of people to manipulate macroeconomics and finance and taxation policy and demand what nations must do, not to mention developing population reductions mechanisms such as war and colonialism to eliminate grass roots people living off the land without contributing to the pockets of the megacorporate elites and their bureaucrats of these multi national agencies...

let´s face reality...the left has lost it totally, totally bought out with their climate change internationalsit demands, their corporate globalist neoliberal politics...nor of course does the right have the slightest where do we turn to...why do people refuse to deal with the need to develop alternative politics...beyond me to understand!

Martin N. wrote:

Climate change isn't the issue with so called 'sceptics', the issue is the political use of climate change to further leftist delusions.

You can define what "the issue" is for yourself but not for other people; especially if they're an amorphous group only defined by your favourite labels.


Marking another milestone for a changing planet, scientists reported on Wednesday that the Earth reached its highest temperature on record in 2016 — trouncing a record set only a year earlier, which beat one set in 2014. It is the first time in the modern era of global warming data that temperatures have blown past the previous record three years in a row.


Climate change to produce a cooling North Atlantic?

Bad news for the Icelanders, at least for their farming.

Earth's last major warm period was as hot as today, but had higher sea levels:


Human Extinction 2026

"Is the death threat by 2026 credible?"

Canada Cannot Have It Both Ways on Climate and Fossil Fuel Expansion

With great fanfare and a claim that “Canada is back,” Prime Minister Trudeau helped usher in the Paris Agreement on climate change in December 2015. Since then, however, the federal government has pushed to expand fossil fuel production through new bitumen pipelines and LNG terminals.

This contradiction points to a loophole in the Paris Agreement, one that perfectly fits Canada: countries have committed to reducing emissions within their borders, but not the carbon that is extracted and burned elsewhere.

Paris poses no limits or sanctions on the supply of fossil fuels being brought to market by producing countries. For exporters like Canada only the emissions from getting fossil fuels out of the ground and to the border are counted.

As a result, producing countries have a powerful incentive to respond to the Paris Agreement by doubling down on fossil fuels now before their value evaporates.

This “green paradox” is bad news for the climate....


Antarctic sea ice shrinks to smallest ever extent:


World's oceans losing oxygen, threatening marine life, study finds:


Whistleblowers at the U.S. government’s official keeper of the global warming stats, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), claim their agency doctored temperature data to hide the fact that global temperatures plateaued almost 20 years ago. Can the whistleblowers be believed in this claim, originally made in 2015? And in the further claim that NOAA then rushed this doctored data into print in time for the UN’s Paris global warming summit of world leaders, to dupe any doubters that the planet was in fact overheated? Of course the whistleblowers can be believed, and not just because NOAA repeatedly stonewalled inquiries, even failing to comply with a congressional subpoena. No one paying attention can have any doubt that the governmental global warming enterprise has been a fraud. It’s been lies from the start, starting with the very mandate of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which astonishingly ruled out factors like the sun as being worthy of investigation.
josh wrote:

Marking another milestone for a changing planet, scientists reported on Wednesday that the Earth reached its highest temperature on record in 2016 — trouncing a record set only a year earlier, which beat one set in 2014. It is the first time in the modern era of global warming data that temperatures have blown past the previous record three years in a row.


But the records only go back 136 years. What about the millions of years previous?
Edzell wrote:

Martin N. wrote:

Climate change isn't the issue with so called 'sceptics', the issue is the political use of climate change to further leftist delusions.

You can define what "the issue" is for yourself but not for other people; especially if they're an amorphous group only defined by your favourite labels.


But, on the other hand, it's ok for you to claim the support of "other people" without bothering to ask them?
Edzell wrote:

Martin N. wrote:
Doug Woodard wrote:

And what would these leftist delusions be? Don't be shy.

.... That, somehow, a drastic reduction in fossil fuel use will still allow the earth to sustain its current population..

??? You see a decline in world population as undesirable?

I see a decline in global population forced upon emerging economies by self righteous alarmists who will not suffer the same fate themselves as undesirable. Fortunately, most of the world order is simply paying lip service to the delusions and enjoying another conference close to the better restaurants and tourist facilities.

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