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BC Election May 9 '17

BC Election May 9 '17



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What was Christy Clark doing today? Oh yea that's right she was doing what a politician should be doing, talking about jobs Where was John Horgan? Who knows, and more importantly who cares!! May 9th is going to be a very painful evening for BC NDP supporters as this election is looking more and more like a blowout by the Liberals over the NDP

And the BC NDP can't even beat this clown. Pathetic!  Frown

Christy Clark's explanation of B.C. NDP hacking accusation sets off social media

Premier says repeatedly in radio interview and on Twitter that she 'jumped to conclusions'

how does it feel North supporting an open liar of te worst Trump sort?

The NDP are contemplating suing if they don't get an apology. Here is what apparently really happened. It wasn't even the NDP that leaked the fact that the BC Liberals had posted private information in a public area of their website.


Clark’s comments infuriated Huntington, who has now relieved me of the promise of anonymity I made to her and her staff.

“When I heard the premier’s comments, accusing the NDP of criminal activity and saying this ‘hacking’ of their website was subverting democracy — I couldn’t take it anymore,” Huntington told me.

“I said, ‘Enough is enough. We have to go public on this now.’ ”

Here’s what happened:

Last week, a member of Huntington’s staff told me they stumbled across the private information of B.C. citizens publicly displayed on the B.C. Liberal website.

Huntington wanted to alert me to this apparent breach of B.C.’s privacy laws and directed me to the “uploads” section of the Liberal website at this address:

they should sue. it's a crimial offense and she outright lied. and continues to.

Clark said she left a voice message for Horgan after staff were unable to reach him directly, and hoped to speak with him directly later

Tongue out


Party #1 Is going to ensure you have job opportunities and your taxes will be kept low Party #2 Is going to be against every major job opportunity possible and will ensure my taxes will be kept high Which party will I vote for? Gee, that's a tough one!

NR you are a complete idiot if you believe Liberal lies. Christy has lied at every turn and you want to trust her word. Its mind boggling really. She ran on jobs last election and the election before that. So where the fuck are the jobs? But you think that this time she is going to deliver.


Why are so many BC NDP campaign workers unenthusiastic about the coming election campaign?

NorthReport wrote:

Why are so many BC NDP campaign workers unenthusiastic about the coming election campaign?

Do you have a link to the poll?

I agree with NR on the point that it's going to be a trouncing.

308's numbers are ludicrous. From where I stand, the NDP look lost. No platform. Weak exposure. Few viable candidates. No leadership. Shouldn't be easier to win right now but they can't seem to get their shit in gear. And they seem to be taking really stupid advice. Meanwhile the BC Liberals get more and more outrageous. An entire wasted election cycle.

The NDP as a brand is failing everywhere. Either they can't accept what they need to do to change, or the party is being deeply undermined from the inside.

Never mind nonsensical polls try talking to the campaign workers and you will quickly realize how demoralized and what a mess the BC NDP are in
kropotkin1951 wrote:

NorthReport wrote:

Why are so many BC NDP campaign workers unenthusiastic about the coming election campaign?

Do you have a link to the poll?

It's quite simple - they are just dumb and no match for the chronic winners the BC Liberals
jas wrote:

I agree with NR on the point that it's going to be a trouncing.

308's numbers are ludicrous. From where I stand, the NDP look lost. No platform. Weak exposure. Few viable candidates. No leadership. Shouldn't be easier to win right now but they can't seem to get their shit in gear. And they seem to be taking really stupid advice. Meanwhile the BC Liberals get more and more outrageous. An entire wasted election cycle.

The NDP as a brand is failing everywhere. Either they can't accept what they need to do to change, or the party is being deeply undermined from the inside.


Those polls are useless If I remember correctly the polls showed the NDP with a 20% lead before the last election

NorthReport wrote:
Never mind nonsensical polls try talking to the campaign workers and you will quickly realize how demoralized and what a mess the BC NDP are in
kropotkin1951 wrote:

NorthReport wrote:

Why are so many BC NDP campaign workers unenthusiastic about the coming election campaign?

Do you have a link to the poll?

I asked you for a poll of campaign workers not of voters. The ones I know are not demoralized. They are cautiously optimistic. I find that refreshing from last election when the campaign team thought they could cruise to a win. Any campaign I've ever been involved in was always better if you are running scared because that is how you win.

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