Election Fallout Co-hosts Mike Cook and Tony Loeffen speak with Canada's premiere political thinkers, do in depth explorations of issues of the day and supply listeners with the kind of conversational ammunition a progressive type might need in order to win hearts and minds at the water cooler or lunch table. Mike Cook has had careers in underground publishing (Gadfly Productions) and retail (Logos Book Store). He currently resides in Orillia ON, where he is an active member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union and the New Democratic Party. Despite being dedicated to the NDP, he is strongly in favour of inter-party cooperation to restore progressive values to Canadian government. Tony Loeffen is an entrepreneur, journalist, and multi-media artist with a passion for seeing Conservatism in Canada marginalized once and for all. He co-founded Opposition Radio with Mike Cook the day after Harper won his majority, and while loyal to no organization, the NDP is the party of his conscience. http://rabble-6.rabble.ca/ en Current Affairs Political Commentary http://rabble-6.rabble.ca/sites/rabble/files/imagecache/thumbnail/category_pictures/election_fallout_300-300.jpg Election Fallout http://rabble-6.rabble.ca/ News for the rest of us 100 100 Sun, 03 Mar 2013 15:37:53 -0500 Sat, 16 Mar 2013 15:12:14 -0400 Canada's premiere political thinkers. Co-hosts Mike Cook and Tony Loeffen speak with Canada's premiere political thinkers, do in depth explorations of issues of the day and supply listeners with the kind of conversational ammunition a progressive type might need in order to win hearts and minds at the water cooler or lunch table. Mike Cook has had careers in underground publishing (Gadfly Productions) and retail (Logos Book Store). He currently resides in Orillia ON, where he is an active member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union and the New Democratic Party. Despite being dedicated to the NDP, he is strongly in favour of inter-party cooperation to restore progressive values to Canadian government. Tony Loeffen is an entrepreneur, journalist, and multi-media artist with a passion for seeing Conservatism in Canada marginalized once and for all. He co-founded Opposition Radio with Mike Cook the day after Harper won his majority, and while loyal to no organization, the NDP is the party of his conscience. rabble.ca - Election Fallout Election Fallout 43 with Joyce Murray http://rabble-6.rabble.ca/podcasts/shows/election-fallout/2013/03/election-fallout-43-joyce-murray During the Chretien years, the right wing vote was split between the Reform Party and the Progressive Conservatives. It seemed to up-and-comer Stephen Harper and his mentor Tom Flanagan, that without co-operation, those of a conservative bent may remain mired on Canada's politcal margins. Together they penned a study of co-operation called "Our Benign Dictatorship" which became a blueprint for a united conservative movement in this country, and charted a course to power. Tony Loeffen 99407 http://rabble.ca/ Sun, 03 Mar 2013 00:00:00 -0400 Election Fallout Election Fallout 43 with Joyce Murray During the Chretien years, the right wing vote was split between the Reform Party and the Progressive Conservatives. It seemed to up-and-comer Stephen Harper and his mentor Tom Flanagan, that without co-operation, those of a conservative bent may remain mired on Canada's politcal margins. Together they penned a study of co-operation called "Our Benign Dictatorship" which became a blueprint for a united conservative movement in this country, and charted a course to power. 0:40:10 Tony Loeffen no