'Beauties of the Night' delves into the lives of iconic Mexican showgirls now in their golden years

| December 14, 2016


Length: 0:31:28 minutes (21.61 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 96Kbps

Show Notes:

Beauties Of The Night, Gender Disparity, "Show Women," and Re-Inventing Yourself

María-José Cuevas and Olga Breeskin and Face2Face host David Peck talk about their new film Beauties of the Night, show women, reinventing yourself and gender issues of all kinds.


The disco-era heyday of Mexico's burlesque culture may have long passed, but many of the sequined stars of those cabarets are still with us. Their stories speak volumes about what it means to be a no-longer-young woman in a career grounded in physical beauty and erotic appeal. Eight years in the making, María José Cuevas' Beauties of the Night is a captivating group portrait of iconic Mexican showgirls, still thriving with grace and style in their ostensible golden years.

Shifting elegantly between eye-popping archival materials and endearingly frank new interviews, Cuevas introduces us to Olga Breeskin, who actually began her performing career playing classical violin with her father; to Lyn May, who, now in her sixties, happily maintains a rigorous daily regimen of exercise and intercourse and extols the virtues of having sex in trees; to Rossy Mendoza, who to this day dances in elaborate headdresses with seductive dexterity; to Princesa Yamal, who speaks of the spiritual strength required to hold a large audience transfixed, but who also had her career stalled when she was wrongly convicted for robbery.

Beauties of the Night presents us a trove of extraordinary women living long and eventful lives, learning to make the most of the inevitable realities of aging in an unforgiving culture. Cuevas presents their fascinating stories with tremendous affection, humour, curiosity, and, above all, dignity.


María José Cuevas is a documentary and experimental video director, designer, and photographer.

Her work has been featured at the Chelsea Center for the Arts in New York, the International Biennial of Video Art in Israel, and the Institute Valencia d’Art Modern in Spain. 

Beauties of the Night is her first feature documentary.

For more information about my podcasting, writing and public speaking please visit my site here.

With thanks to producer Josh Snethlage and Mixed Media Sound.

For more information about TIFF go here.

See the IMDB and trailer for Beauties of the Night.

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