
Julian Baggini on 'The Edge of Reason,' radical skepticism and a post-truth society

| January 25, 2017


Length: 0:41:44 minutes (28.66 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 96Kbps

Show Notes:

Julian Baggini on The Edge of Reason, Radical Skepticism & a Post truth Society

Julian and Face2Face host David Peck talk about his new book The Edge of Reason, radical scepticism, a post-truth society, and why science doesn't have a monopoly on truth.


Julian Baggini is a British philosopher, and the author of several books about philosophy written for a general audience. He is co-founder of The Philosophers' Magazine.

Baggini was awarded a PhD in 1996 from University College London for a thesis on the philosophy of personal identity.

A few other publications:

What's It All About: Philosophy and the Meaning of Life

Freedom Regained: The Possibility of Free Will

The Ego Trick: What Does It Mean To Be You?

Should You Judge This Book by Its Cover? 

For more information about my podcasting, writing and public speaking please visit my site here.

With thanks to producer Josh Snethlage and Mixed Media Sound.

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