
Full disclosure buying

| January 5, 2017


Artist: Kelly Okamura
Title: Full Disclosure
Length: 0:12:31 minutes (28.67 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 320Kbps

Show Notes:

Tree ornaments: Moose, crystal + WISH
Shine billboard
Moose tree ornament with xmas excess in background.

Kelly Okamura goes on a final shop at Honest Ed's. She passes on bargains and owns up to buying an artificial tree. And despite public resolve to stick to a budget she admits to going into the new year with shopper debt. But, in her own fashion, Kelly did manage to ahieve her daughter's holiday wish. 

She invites listeners to share their most memorable bargain buy from Honest Ed's to start a new conversation about shopping for bargains, and sends new year's wishes to all who buy stuff.

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Image: M. Hansen 


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