
Buying bargains for change: An interview with Bargain Jody

| February 11, 2017


Length: 0:27:20 minutes (62.59 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 320Kbps

Show Notes:

provided by Jody Steinhauer

In Part One of Buying Bargains, Kelly Okamura talks with Jody Steinhauer (or Bargain Jody as she's fondly called).

They discuss the difference btween bargains and discounts, and how bargain shopping has changed from needs to fast fashion. They speak about making purchases that add value, helping people with real needs, and social corporate responsibility.

Project Winter Survival is an initiative by Engage and Change to fund 10,000 Survival Kits for the homeless and less fortunate.

This is Goodergoods' second Valentine's Day show -- listen to their first Valentine's edition - "Love and Passion."

Podcast image of Jody Steinhauer used with permission

Great audio tech support from Mike Hansen! xo



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