Green Majority Radio

Green Majority Radio

Green Majority Radio is an eco-news and politics show broadcasting from CIUT 89.5FM in Toronto and syndicated across Canada since 2006. Nuanced enough for hardcore greens and accessible for casual listeners, GMR's mission is to keep you informed AND smiling, no matter what the weeks news brings.
Green Majority Radio

Corporations: For better or worse

February 8, 2017
| New court decision against Monsanto building in California. Also a new breakthrough in flexible, printable solar cells could help bring cheap renewable energy to 1.3 billion people.
Length: 55:09 minutes (50.5 MB)
Green Majority Radio

International cooperation in the age of Trump

January 31, 2017
| Dr. Hugh Sealy, one of the lead negotiators for the small island states, is our guest to talk about international climate cooperation in the age of Trump.
Length: 53:11 minutes (48.7 MB)
Green Majority Radio

How to resist Trump(ism)

January 23, 2017
| We discuss ideas for how to resist the incoming Trump inauguration. Stefan shares some ideas sent in to us by listeners. Daryn also suggests some tempting options that you should absolutely NOT do.
Length: 58:32 minutes (53.59 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Capitalism itself choosing sides

January 17, 2017
| Interview with Nathan Phillips from Boston University about "Sleeping Giants," a Twitter group that is pressuring brands advertising on hate sites like Brietbart.
Length: 55:01 minutes (50.38 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Desmogging journalism

January 2, 2017
| The incoming Trump administration *shudder* has put a sooty fog over the climate movement, but let's not stop paying attention to the areas where we can do some good.
Length: 55:49 minutes (51.11 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Maximizing fragility

November 1, 2016
| We discuss the ongoing protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline which resulted in over 100 more arrests of protesters this week, bringing the total to over 260 since the action began.
Length: 53:04 minutes (48.59 MB)
Green Majority Radio

The state of journalism

October 24, 2016
| Canadian journalist Mike De Souza works for the National Observer after spending years in the establishment media. Mike has recently published replies to attacks on his and N.O.'s credibility.
Length: 54:34 minutes (49.96 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Lord of the resources

September 19, 2016
| Environmental Lawyer Barbora Grochalova joins us to talk about Ontario and the Western Climate Initiative. This market approach means to hopefully limit carbon emissions, but will it?
Length: 55:17 minutes (50.63 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Stupidity insurance: NEB in depth

September 13, 2016
| We dig into the ongoing National Energy Board scandals, with skepticism about their independence and unbiased perspective. Also Dakota Access Pipeline protest updates and more...
Length: 53:16 minutes (48.78 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Think you know the price of oil? Think again.

September 6, 2016
| The Green Majority Radio team discusses the shocking disconnect between Liberal rhetoric and action on climate both on the federal and provincial levels.
Length: 54:12 minutes (49.62 MB)