Green Majority Radio

Capitalism itself choosing sides

| January 17, 2017


Artist: Green Majority Radio
Title: Capitalism Itself Choosing Sides (536)
Album: Eco-News + Interviews
Year: 2017
Genre: Eco-News + Interviews
Length: 0:55:01 minutes (50.38 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 128Kbps

Show Notes:

Capitalism Itself Choosing Sides

Stefan starts the show with former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson and his soon-to-be new role as Secretary of State for the U.S. government. Not only did Rex preside over 20-plus years of funding climate denial after already knowing from their own internal research that it was in fact true, but he has known associations with Vladmir Putin while Exxon has outstanding business deals with Russia put on hold by Obama's Russian sanctions. But I'm sure it's all fine, he divested his Exxon holdings right? Problem solved. Stefan also explores the implications of fraud charges for VW executives related to the emissions scandal last year.

In the middle section Daryn talks about a few topics but mainly the drama that played out this week when Jane Fonda captured international headlines by calling out Justin Trudeau. While Canadian environmentalists have been on his case for some time for being at least to some degree a fraud on climate change, international media have bought into the image of him as some lefty-saviour so this accusation by a big star got lots of attention... which is exactly why Jane Fonda did it.

Also, breaking news during the show!

In the last section we interview Earth and Environmental Science Professor Nathan Phillips from Boston University about his involvement with the "Sleeping Giants," a partially anonymous Twitter group that is using social media to expose brands who are (in many cases unaware) that they are paying ad revenue to hate sites full of fake news and racism like Brietbart. With Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon as one of the closest aids to President-Elect Trump however... this could get a lot worse before it gets better. Here's at least one tiny way to fight back, by making advertisers pick a side in the culture war.

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