

Habitat is a podcast about how we live in our environment. We present conversations about transportation, energy, design, development, climate change, agriculture, oceans, natural resources, pollution, air and water quality, and more. Habitat is produced in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Coastal Citizen: The endless ocean garbage dump

November 12, 2014
| We look at why and how we treat the ocean like a garbage dump, how it's affecting us, and what we're doing to clean it up.
Length: 28:21 minutes (13.04 MB)

The Coastal Citizen: The costs of oil and gas

September 12, 2014
| The Coastal Citizen takes a look at a global industry taking root off the Atlantic coast, and the concerns being raised about the dangers it poses to our ecosystems and economies.
Length: 28:12 minutes (12.97 MB)

The Coastal Citizen: The ever-changing shoreline

August 28, 2014
| With sea level rise and increased frequency and severity of storms, our coasts face serious issues with erosion. The first episode of The Coastal Citizen looks at the ever-changing shoreline.
Length: 00:00 minutes (12.89 MB)

Daylighting rivers in Dartmouth and cleaning up a harbour beach

June 13, 2014
| Will a downtown Dartmouth river buried for 40 years see the light of day? And a trip to McNab's Island for the annual cleanup.
Length: 34:53 minutes (32 MB)

Dismantling rail in Canada: N.B. gets a 15-year reprieve

June 11, 2014
| Tim Hayman gives a great overview of recent Canadian rail history and shares his thoughts on the management and future of rail lines in Canada.
Length: 38:05 minutes (34.93 MB)

Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good: Heather Menzies

June 7, 2014
| Heather Menzies on her new book, Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good, plus an audio tour of the Common Roots Urban Farm.
Length: 47:44 minutes (43.71 MB)

Donald Cameron on the legal right to a clean environment

April 24, 2014
| In Canada we don't have the right to clean air or clean water. Donald Cameron is exploring the movement to secure rights for nature, as well as the human right to a healthy environment.
Length: 33:25 minutes (30.66 MB)

GM apples and bananas in B.C. and Uganda

March 26, 2014
| Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network gives her take on a new GM apple from B.C. Dalhousie's Matthew Schnurr talks about the development of the GM matooke banana in Uganda.
Length: 46:32 minutes (42.67 MB)

Scott Findlay on the importance of public science

March 17, 2014
| Scott Findlay, co-founder of Evidence for Democracy, on public science and the importance of evidence-based decision-making.
Length: 41:59 minutes (38.5 MB)

What to do with all this haddock? Plus: EAC redesigns their space and sues the government

February 15, 2014
| We ask Ecology Action Centre staffers about suing the federal government over GM salmon, and what we should do with recovered haddock stocks off George's Bank.
Length: 47:36 minutes (43.65 MB)