Two American ex-pats, separated by 7500 kilometers and their levels of optimism, take on the issues of the day in the United States, Canada, Europe and the world. They hunt down news you might have missed, sometimes provide good insights, and shake their heads at the rampant idiocy in the world more often than can be considered healthy ... good thing they live in countries with socialized medicine!
| Our last show? We think so. Still we talk about the crazy, make an XL pipeline prediction and even throw in some baseball. Plus news you might have missed.
| Obama wins, but does that mean progressives do? We look at the right and left delusions and aspirations and the need for election reform. Plus news you might have missed!
| Billions of emails and phone calls recorded every day, CCTV cameras going up and staying up, drones watching people’s homes, should we care? Plus, news you might have missed!
| Wisconsin not a total loss, Obama gets one right (and one very wrong), Ontario does the right thing, Quebec and Canada fight for civil rights, plus Monsanto buys a critic and other news.
| Austerity fever is catching, and it isn't a pleasant disease. Symptoms include unemployment, growing wealth gaps, crumbling infrastructure and more. We diagnose it and give some health tips.
| The robocall scandal to suppress the vote in Canada still has legs but Canadians aren't quite yet in the pro-league when it comes to vote suppression. Plus, mind-numbing attacks on women's rights.
| Attempts to re-ignite the abortion debate in Canada, an all-male Congressional contraception hearing, the jaw-dropping remarks of Rick Santorum; women's health isn't on the right-wing God's agenda.
| The players' association for the NFL in the U.S. comes out swinging against so-called "right to work" anti-union legislation and we talk labour and sports. Gingrich is over the moon for colonization.