Needs No Introduction

The Israeli occupation of Palestine: Two perspectives

| November 24, 2016


Length: 0:56:13 minutes (51.48 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 128Kbps

Show Notes:

Photo by David Kattenburg, The Green Planet Monitor

Unless you're an expert on the Israeli occupation of Palestine, it's hard to figure out what's going on when we hear about it on the news.

Today's two speakers provide some useful background which is helpful to understand the past, present and possible futures of that conflict. We have two presentations today -- one from Beit Zatoun in Toronto at an event called “Should we be Talking about Fascism?” with speaker Greg Albo, and an address by Dr. Philip Leech-Ngo of University of Ottawa. Both talks were recorded earlier this month.

1.) Dr. Philip Leech-Ngo is Gordon F. Henderson Post-doctoral Fellow, Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa. He has taught at both graduate and undergraduate levels at Liverpool, Plymouth and Exeter Universities. He has written two books - 'The State of Palestine: a critical analysis' and 'Popular Uprisings in the Middle East'. This talk was recorded at University of Ottawa in November 2016.

2.) Greg Albo, is a professor of political economy at the Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto. He is currently co-editor of the Socialist Register. He is also on the editorial boards of Studies in Political Economy; RelayCapitalism, Nature, Socialism; Canadian Dimension, The Bullet; and Historical Materialism (England).

Thanks to Kvesche Be for recording the talk by Greg Albo in Toronto; and to Octopus Books in Ottawa for their help obtaining the lecture by Dr. Leech-Ngo.



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