Ryan McMahon: Red Man Laughing

| December 9, 2016


Length: 0:59:02 minutes (77.73 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 184.099Kbps

Show Notes:

Courtesy: Media Democracy Days website

Since 2001, The Media Democracy Project has provided a space for diverse communities to come together and discuss the relationship between media and democracy. In partnership with Simon Fraser University's School of Communication, Media Democracy Days is their annual conference where speakers of all backgrounds present workshops and give presentations on media, art, politics, representation, and much more.

This year's keynote speaker was Indigenous comedian and storyteller Ryan McMahon. The keynote touches on upholding and preserving Indigenous stories, understanding Indigenous identity in the face of colonialism, all tinged with a comedic flair that keeps listeners engaged and entertained. 

Thanks to radio station CJSF for sharing this recording; to Media Democracy Days; to Tania Ehret, rabble.ca's liaison with Media Democracy Days; and to Braden Alexander who edited and scripted this episode for Needs No Introduction.

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Image: Flickr/Break Free


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