rabble radio

World Social Forum: The sequel

| September 1, 2016


Length: 0:32:27 minutes (37.14 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 160Kbps

Show Notes:

World Social Forum: The sequel

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There were hundreds of panel discussions at the World Social Forum. The hard thing was to make a choice which one to go to. There weren't a lot of descriptions in the handbook sometimes, so often we just had to pick one and see how it all turned out. You never knew what you were going to get.  

And there were so many interviews and recordings that we weren't able to fit in to Ears on the Earth, our daily podcast during the Forum.

In weeks to come, we'll bring you more of the sounds, conversations and panels that we gathered.  Today, two more.

1) Joseph Wawatie is an Algonquin Elder from Barriere Lake in western Quebec. In 2012, he was arrested for protesting logging on his traditional territory -- land which remains unceded territory. He was part of a panel discussion at the World Social Forum called Indigenous Peoples' Struggles and Resistance. He speaks of his traditional life in the bush, and the challenges his nation faces.

2) Norman Stockwell, publisher of The Progressive: rabble radio host and rabble podcast network exec producer Victoria Fenner talked to Norman about the role of alternative media in this fractitious, extraordinary presidential election campaign that's happening right now. Bernie Sanders was a great choice for president. Hillary Clinton -- well, opinion is mixed on that. Yet, if they don't want Donald Trump for president, Hillary's it. So what's a progressive to do when there are no good alternatives?

3) Looking ahead -- we have a new podcast on the rpn. Who is Thaddeus Barnes and why do you need to hunt for his Strange Copper Cylinders.  With rabble podcast network and co-founder Wayne MacPhail, who is also now a dramatist, director and audio playwright. Find out more on Harrowsmith Now!


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