radio book lounge

'Belongings: The Fight for Land and Food'

| November 8, 2016


Length: 0:13:49 minutes (14.42 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 145.826Kbps

Show Notes:

Image: Fernwood Publishing

Belongings: The Fight for Land and Food explores the link between land ownership, conflict and food insecurity, in a new book by author Sally Miller.

The farm economy is not getting better. Urban sprawl continues to gobble up farmland, farmers still leave the farm every day to take jobs which pay the farm bills and support their families. Miller looks at the root causes of these problems. A big part of the problem is land ownership. She talks about how that system contributes to food insecurity and unstable farm economies.

Wayne MacPhail spoke to Sally Miller for and shared it with the rabble book lounge.

You can also watch a video version of this interview on Harrowsmith Now by clicking here.

Belongings: The Fight for Land and Food is published by Fernwood Publishing.

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Image: Fernwood Publishing


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