radio book lounge

Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America

| January 19, 2017


Length: 0:27:35 minutes (28.78 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 145.825Kbps

Show Notes:


Utilizing Access to Information documents as well as primary sources in Central and South America, Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America details the relationship between Canadian resource extractors, local governments, and departments of the Canadian federal government.

The book was launched at Octopus Books in Ottawa, Ontario on January 11, 2017.  In this talk, co-author Todd Gordon sheds some light on the subject as well as explains the efforts by corporations to silence local resistance to these mining and resource extraction projects.

Todd Gordon is also the author of Imperialist Canada, a book which exposes Canada's imperial past and present.  He is an Assistant Professor of Law and Society at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Blood of Extraction was co-authored by Jeffery R. Webber,  author of Red October: Left-Indigenous Struggles in Modern Bolivia.

Thanks to Octopus Books for providing the recording of the book launch. You can find more details about upcoming speakers and like-minded events by going to

Photo:  Chris Weidenhoff - public domain -


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