
The transformation of Canada's media landscape

| December 24, 2016


Artist: Redeye Collective
Title: The transformation of Canada’s media landscape
Album: Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio
Year: 2016
Genre: Public Affairs
Length: 0:23:07 minutes (21.17 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 128Kbps

Show Notes:

The transformation of Canada's media landscape

Ian Gill, a former editor at the Vancouver Sun, and Marc Edge, journalism educator and media critic, address the present and future state of Canadian media in talks recorded in Vancouver on Nov 29. The talks are introduced by Redeye host Lorraine Chisholm.

Marc Edge is the author of The News We Deserve: The Transformation of Canada's Media Landscape

Ian Gill's new book is No News is Bad News: Canada's Media Collapse and What Comes Next.

Check out Redeye's website for more information about the show.

Find them on Facebook and like their page for regular updates. 

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