The hormone replacement scam

| December 13, 2016


Title: rpnWINGS30-16EstrogenScam-29_06-192kbps
Length: 0:29:06 minutes (39.97 MB)
Format: 44.1kHz, 192Kbps

Show Notes:

Image: Vimeo/Lee Health

As of 2016, pharmaceutical companies are once again raising old complaints about the massive women's health study that showed almost all claims about hormone replacement therapy pushed on aging women were untrue. It was one of their biggest moneymakers, and they keep trying. (A recent article in the Globe and Mail pressed the same objections that are debunked in this podcast).

Cindy Pearson, Executive Director of the National Women's Health Network, and Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, a physician with the Georgetown University Medical School, specializing in complementary and alternative medicines, discuss how the false claims gained such traction among doctors, and the consumer-demanded longterm double-blind research that debunked the claims.  Also noted, a trial of estrogen supplements to see if they helped men's heart health also showed the opposite effect.

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Image: Vimeo/Lee Health


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