Watch LIVE Tuesday: Prominent Canadians launch manifesto outlining bold climate and economic vision for country

| September 15, 2015
Watch LIVE Tuesday: Prominent Canadians launch manifesto outlining bold climate and economic vision for country

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A live production
Tune in live Tuesday at 10:30 AM Eastern to watch live as musicians, directors, actors, authors, national and community leaders and dozens of organizations going together to launch "the Leap Manifesto: A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another". Translated into 8 languages, including Cree and Inuktitut, the manifesto aims to gather tens of thousands of signatures and build pressure on the next federal government to transition Canada off fossil fuels while also making it a more livable, fair and just society.

In addition to featuring several of the Manifesto’s high-profile signatories, the launch event will include experts outlining why this vision is feasible and achievable.

Initiating signatories to the Leap Manifesto include Donald Sutherland, Rachel McAdams, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Ellen Page, Gord Downie, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, Stephen Lewis, Sarah Polley, Bruce Cockburn, Guujaaw, Tegan and Sara, Leslie Feist, Joseph Boyden, Dionne Brand, Judy Rebick, Thomas King, Maude Barlow, Paul Moist, Robyn Benson, Former Ontario Chief Justice Ron McMurtry, Michael Ondaatje and more. Plus more than 50 organizations, including Oxfam, Idle No More, CUPE, CLC, PSAC, Council of Canadians, Greenpeace,, and over 100 individual signatories like scientists, economists, artists, activists, journalists and others.



Read the Manifesto (goes live 11AM September 15) here.

Learn more about the Leap Manifesto (site will go live September 15) here.

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