WATCH: Amai Kuda in 'We Can Do It! (Dirty Money)' (ft. Y, M1 and Kinnie Starr)

| May 17, 2016
WATCH: Amai Kuda in 'We Can Do It! (Dirty Money)' (ft. Y, M1 and Kinnie Starr)

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"We Can Do It" is a call to action. It is a call to revolution! Created by Amai Kuda to promote the Decolonize NOW! movement and the Divest to Decolonize campaign, the song featuring guest artists Y, Kinnie Starr and M1 of Dead Prez. 

With this song, Decolonize NOW! invites everyone to support us, as Black and Indigenous peoples taking a stand against the historic and ongoing colonial assault on the earth and our peoples.

We are calling on all peoples to take their money out of the big banks that are fuelling our destruction through investment in mining, fossil fuels and arms trade. 

We CAN do it on our own! We will create viable, sustainable alternatives to capitalist economies. We must Decolonize Now or watch the earth and our peoples be destroyed!



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