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Next-gen augmented reality will target human sensorium

Photo: Benjamin Linh VU/flickr

When most of us think of augmented reality, thanks to Google, we think of dorky glasses with an ugly camera mounted on the frame. But what about the other senses? What if all of them were augmented and all those augmentations worked in concert?

That broader view of AR might be closer to what tech companies will be unveiling in the next couple of years. Humans take in enormous amounts of sensory input every second. We make judgements about threats, reactions, choices and pleasures from subtle and dramatic changes in the patina of inputs we're swaddled in. 

Some decisions are made on minuscule cues -- a wink, a flicker at the periphery of vision, a rough burr on a flat surface, a chirp.


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The social media fight against Trump is a modern battle of the presses

Photo: nevermindtheend/flickr

At first glance there would seem to be little that would connect Donald Trump with Martin Luther, but stick with me here.

In 1517 Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Theses. This document railed against Papal indulgences, which the faithful could buy as a sort of "Get Out of Jail Free" card for sin.

The later Reformation also held that Christian scripture is the only source of the rules for worship. There was no need for priests to get in the way. This, of course, went over in Rome like a fart in a spacesuit. 


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AirPods are not just earphones -- they're a metaphor of the future

Photo: Design Milk/flickr

Just before Christmas I got a pair of Apple AirPods. They're white, completely wireless earphones. AirPods are almost identical to Apple's wired earphones except that in lieu of thin cables, small white cylinders extend from the AirPods themselves. When you wear them it looks like you laughed and the milk came out your ears.

A few of my friends don't get it. "They're just dorky wireless earphones," they say. 

And, they're wrong -- not because they don't look dorky, I'll give them that. They're simply incorrect because they're using the wrong frame for the things that now extend like candy cigarettes below my earlobes. 


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Gotta catch 'em all: The deep layers of Pokemon GO

Photo: Virginia State Parks/flickr

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Yes, this is about Pokemon GO. Or, at least, about the layers beneath the wildly popular augmented reality game. At first blush Pokemon GO looks like a simple, engaging and remarkably social pastime. But below the surface are deep levels of complexity, intention and future prospects.


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A guide to keeping the digital juice alive on vacation

Photo: Heather Harvey/flickr

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Summer is a time when many of us head to mountains, woodlands and seasides hoping to unwind and recharge. But when we head out on vacation with our smartphones, tablets, cameras and radios we find recharging them daily more challenging than keeping deer flies at bay.

So, here's my advice about how to cope.


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The Freewrite is not my type

Photo: Randy von Liski/flickr

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The tablet experiment: iPad Pro field report

Photo: Takuhito Fujita/flickr

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A few columns back I promised to report on my progress using a tablet as my main computer. I'm happy to say that so far it has been a successful experiment. 

Here's an example:


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The bots are coming

Image: brar_j/flickr

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Last week was a great time to be a bot. Everybody was talking about you, especially Microsoft


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The Post-it note and the computer

Photo: Michael Arrighi/flickr

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Back in 1991, I read an article in Scientific American called "The Computer for the 21st Century." It was written by Mark Weiser, the head of the Computer Science Laboratory at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. 


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A guide to taking your smartphone beyond point and shoot

Photo: Andy Ihnatko/flickr

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One of the great mistakes of using a smartphone for video or stills is to treat it like a point-and-shoot camera. Sure, it is about the size of one, but a smartphone's small lens and tiny sensor mean that in order to get the best out of it, you actually have to slow down, be mindful and think a bit about what you're doing. You might even need to supplement the device with some peripherals.


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