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Talking Radical Radio

Black youth opposing gentrification and empowering community

February 15, 2017
| Kyturea Jones, Payton Ashe and Donntayia Jones talk about Halifax's North End Community Action Committee.
Length: 28:18 minutes (25.91 MB)
Image: Planet in Focus
| October 26, 2016

Common Notions: A film about the Purple Thistle Centre

May 9, 2016
| The Purple Thistle operated for years as a youth-run space for arts and activism in Vancouver's East Side. The film, Common Notions, explores what made the Purple Thistle work for young people.
Length: 21:59 minutes (20.13 MB)

Ambitious project connects youth with nature

April 12, 2016
| In January, the Vancouver parks department cleared a large area of blackberry in Strathcona Community Garden. The plan is to restore the site to a natural habitat for indigenous wildlife.
Length: 13:41 minutes (12.54 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Won't someone listen to the children? Young environmentalists speak out

February 12, 2016
| Grade 5 students on endangered species, more on TPP and a severe facepalm warning about Rex Murphy's op-ed on Alberta.
Length: 55:52 minutes (51.15 MB)

Here's how you can help eliminate the overrepresentation of Indigenous youth in custody

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| November 18, 2015

A fresh look at women in trades and technology

November 13, 2015
| A new radio documentary looks at the challenges facing young women when they decide to take up a trade. The program was produced by 20-year-old sound technician Mariessa Mcleod.
Length: 09:39 minutes (8.85 MB)

Death in a Dumpster: The Musical

October 25, 2015
| Death in a Dumpster is based on a short play by renowned anti-poverty activist and author Sheila Baxter. It's been written, composed and performed by a group of street-involved youth.
Length: 13:59 minutes (12.82 MB)

Radio role models

October 15, 2015
| Radio as a tool of empowerment for African women and youth.
Length: 29:12 minutes (26.74 MB)
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