Hassan DiabSyndicate content

Image: friendsofhassandiab.blogspot.ca/
| October 13, 2016

After years of injustice, Canada should bring Hassan Diab home

Image: justiceforhassandiab.org

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This week, a French judge decided to order the release of Hassan Diab while an investigation into his case continues. It is both ironic and embarrassing to see a French judge decide to do what a Canadian judge should have done many years ago: order Hassan Diab a free man!


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Image: justiceforhassandiab.org
| November 10, 2015

A Canadian in Paris: Hassan Diab's indefinite jail journey

Photo: www.justiceforhassandiab.org

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Talking Radical Radio

Unjustly extradited, still fighting: Justice for Hassan Diab

January 14, 2015
| Donald Pratt and Peter Gose talk about the struggle to defend wrongfully accused Ottawa academic Hassan Diab.
Length: 28:24 minutes (26.01 MB)
| November 13, 2014
| May 22, 2014

Productive week for Canada's desk torturers in Harkat, Diab cases

Photo: Mike Gifford/flickr

Two judicial decisions released last week remind us that the concept of national security is incompatible with democracy: the former almost always trumps the latter, and various enemies-du-jour are regularly created and then served up on the altar of "security." In each instance, profoundly disturbing decisions were dealt to Mohamed Harkat, facing deportation to torture in Algeria based on secret hearsay, and Hassan Diab, facing extradition to France on clearly trumped up allegations likely gleaned from torture.


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The Extradition Case of Dr. Hassan Diab

Image: Justice fo Hassan Diab

Hassan Diab is a mild-mannered Ottawa university professor with a passion for history and culinary skills that surely the French would appreciate. In fact, the French government has invested much energy to have Diab brought to Paris, but not for his vegetarian kebbah.

Rather, Dr. Diab is sought for questioning about his alleged role in a 1980 Paris bombing that claimed four lives. Unfortunately for Diab, the process behind the allegations could almost be a French farce -- worthy of Inspector Clouseau of Pink Panther fame.



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Taking Liberties: Revelations in Hassan Diab case highlight major faultlines in extradition process

Detention centre/prison for unsentenced suspects in Berlin. Photo: rytc/Flickr

The multi-year extradition saga of Ottawa university professor Hassan Diab -- sought by the French for his alleged role in a 1980 Paris bombing that claimed four lives -- has taken yet another bizarre turn with the news that Diab has not even been formally charged. He is merely sought for questioning, with no guarantee that a trial would ensue.

Despite this astounding discovery -- no doubt discomfiting to the Ontario judge who presided over Diab's two-year extradition hearing -- Justice Minister Rob Nicholson has signed a surrender order committing Diab to years of French detention without charge while the 32-year investigation into the crime continues.


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