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Joe Brusky, Love Resist Divest by the Overpass Light Brigade
| February 3, 2017

What Canadians are saying about electoral reform

In December, the Broadbent Institute released a report to measure Canadians' attitudes about voting system design and preferences for electoral reform. The study also estimates what the outcome of the 2015 Canadian General Election would have been, had it been run under a ranked ballot system, also known as preferential ballot, as compared to proportional representation and the current system.



Whither electoral reform: Does Justin Trudeau really want fair elections?

Photo: Prime Minister of Canada/flickr

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| October 23, 2015
| June 23, 2015
January 6, 2014 |
From January 2nd to 26th, 2014, MPs are in their home ridings. Now is the time to tell them that we want equal, effective votes: That we want proportional representation.
December 9, 2013 |
The concentration of power in the PMO plays a role in the depletion of trust in our democracy.
July 15, 2013 |
Rae joins other distinguished Canadians from across the political spectrum on the Advisory Board, including David Suzuki, Lloyd Axworthy, Maude Barlow, Ed Broadbent and Hugh Segal.
June 24, 2013 |
We’re looking for that video that will go viral, something that will educate Canadians about the “big idea” of proportional representation, and rally them to make 2015 the last unfair election.
I Read The News Today, Oh Boy!

Got good government? Not here

April 8, 2011
| With an historical contempt finding, the Canadian government isn't looking so great and the election could mean things only get worse. And worse it gets in the U.S. as the government faces shutdown.
Length: 37:48
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