Larry HaivenSyndicate content

Halifax Pride 2014
| October 14, 2016
| December 11, 2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech blaming the Final Solution on
| October 28, 2015
| October 8, 2015
Binyamin Netanyahu's government insists that Israel must be recognized as a "Jew
| June 17, 2015
Image: Flickr/Mexindian
| February 18, 2015
Photo: Duckie Monster/flickr
| September 24, 2014
Photo: Adrienne Silnicki
| April 3, 2014
Photo: meddygarnet/flickr
| March 19, 2014

'Clarifying' the five principles of medicare

“Ottawa open to revising Canada Health Act, source says” (Canadian Press March 25, 2004)

Recently federal government officials have expressed interest in “revising” the Canada Health Act. When pressed, they insist that they have no intention of changing the five principles of medicare, but rather of “clarifying” them. Given the Martin government's predilection for free market solutions, perhaps we should be skeptical.



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