Attawapiskat First NationSyndicate content

Attawapiskat youth sing out about community's crisis

A group of youths in Attawapiskat, working with national Charity DAREarts and Juno-nominated singer Glenn Marais, are telling the story of the crisis in their community directly through song.

Watch this video and share to help spread the message and help them be heard.



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Attawapiskat and the importance of community

Photo: David Coombs/

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I've never visited Attawapiskat to "cover" its crises, past or present, as many journalists have. Despite that, I want to say something about it. The late Edward Said encouraged non-Muslims to deploy their common humanity to try to understand events in the Muslim world. You don't always need expertise or direct experience, you can go some distance without them.


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April 18, 2016 |
On April 9 Attawapiskat First Nation declared a state of emergency. A special sitting of the House of Commons was called but Trudeau just couldn't be pulled away from a Liberal buddy's book launch.
| January 29, 2015
Photo: Michael DancingEagle Cassidy
| December 11, 2013
| December 29, 2012
| August 3, 2012

Shannen's Dream

Shannen Koostachin of Attawapiskat

Shannen Koostachin of Attawapiskat First Nation was a young activist just trying to get a school in her community. Despite the high standard of living enjoyed by many Canadians, indigenous children have been forced through toxic and subpar educational systems for decades. Koostachin spoke out and organized with other youth for "safe and comfy" schools. She started the largest movement by children for children in Canada.

Toxicity at school


Big truck, small corner
| February 9, 2012
| February 7, 2012
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