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Rachel Corrie's death is not merely a 'regrettable accident'

Independent Jewish Voices - Canada rejects Haifa District Court's decision to remove any blame from the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) or the Israeli driver of the military bulldozer that killed 23-year old Rachel Corrie nearly a decade ago. In a decision issued today, Judge Oded Gershon called her death a “regrettable accident." 

In March 2003, Corrie, an American peace activist from Washington State, stood in front of the house of a local pharmacist in Rafah, Gaza. Dressed in a bright orange security vest, she and other members of the International Solidarity Movement peacefully stood in front of the home to prevent its demolition. 



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Jewish human rights group applauds United Church decision on Israeli settlements

Ottawa – Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) is commending the United Church of Canada for adopting a report calling for the boycott of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

"By adopting this historic resolution, the United Church of Canada joins a growing movement of churches, trade unions, and other organizations in Canada and around the world that are boycotting Israel's illegal," says IJV spokesperson Sid Shniad.

"It is not anti-Semitic to criticize Israel. Given the state's ongoing illegal activities it is a moral imperative. We are very encouraged that the United Church has recognized the difference and we look forward to working with the church to move this important human rights work forward."



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| March 21, 2012
| March 14, 2012
| March 12, 2012
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