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Chelsea Vowel is a 34 year old Métis from the Plains Cree speaking community of Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. She is the mother of two energetic girls and holds a BEd and an LLB from the University of Alberta. She moved to Montreal two and a half years ago, fell in love with Roller Derby and decided to stay permanently. Her passions are the Cree language, strapping on roller skates and smashing into other women, and attacking the shroud of ignorance surrounding indigenous issues in Canada.
Image: wikimedia commons
| March 11, 2015
| October 7, 2014
| September 18, 2014
Image: flickr/Howl Art Collective
| August 22, 2014
"Be a Good Girl" - Tania Willard
| July 24, 2014
Image: Tsilhqot'in Nation
| July 10, 2014
| July 2, 2014
| June 9, 2014
| June 5, 2014
| January 2, 2014
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