EconomicsSyndicate content

Image: Wikimedia Commons/Jeffery J. Nichols
| February 14, 2017
Sleeping at work
| January 25, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Carl Chapman
| January 18, 2017

Canada is wasting billions of dollars a year on prescription drugs

January 16, 2017
| A national pharmacare program would save the health-care system billions and improve the health of the one in 10 Canadians who can't afford the medication they are prescribed.
Length: 12:24 minutes (11.37 MB)

'All for ourselves and nothing for other people': The takeover of economics by neoliberalism

Image: Adbusters/flickr

All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.

-- Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations


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A public school teacher's perspective on a decade of cuts

November 26, 2016
| Rory Brown is President of the Vancouver Secondary Teachers' Association, a local of the BCTF. He has taught in Vancouver since 1999 and witnessed firsthand the effects of years of cutbacks.
Length: 18:46 minutes (17.19 MB)

Over a decade of cuts has led to crisis in B.C. public schools

November 25, 2016
| Since 2002, the Liberal government has been cutting education funding in B.C. resulting in program cutbacks, overcrowded classrooms and now, for many children, the loss of their neighbourhood school.
Length: 31:25 minutes (28.77 MB)
Talking Radical Radio

Using film to challenge the dubious economics of tar sands and fracking

November 16, 2016
| David Lavallee talks about his new documentary film, "To the Ends of the Earth."
Length: 28:42 minutes (26.28 MB)

Canada-Europe trade deal no longer a foregone conclusion

November 15, 2016
| With the regional government of Wallonia's vote to reject CETA, the future of the deal is less certain. Stuart Trew explains what Wallonia's initial opposition meant and how this impacts Canadians.
Length: 16:15 minutes (14.89 MB)
| August 22, 2016
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