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| January 14, 2017
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| November 1, 2016
TPP rally in Ottawa on June 10, 2014. Flickr/SumOfUs
| October 27, 2016
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Bank of Canada
| September 30, 2016

Maude Barlow and Sarah Harmer on Canada's water crisis

Image: Flickr/Peoples' Social Forum (Ben Powless)
Many Canadians continue to believe that Canada is immune to issues of water scarcity. Maude Barlow and Sarah Harmer debunk that myth.

Related story:

'This is Canada's Shame': Maude Barlow and Sarah Harmer discuss Canada's impending water crisis

Image: Flickr/Peoples' Social Forum (Ben Powless)

Despite nearly a decade of environmental deregulation under the Harper government and recurring boil-water advisories across the country, many Canadians continue to believe that Canada is immune to issues of water scarcity. On September 23, I met with Maude Barlow and Sarah Harmer before their public talk at Toronto's Trinity-St. Paul's United Church to briefly discuss Canada's water crisis and debunk the "myth of abundance."

Phillip Dwight Morgan: For many people, the language of "crisis" doesn't land. They access water on a daily basis and don't really see the severity of it. Can you paint a picture of what this "water crisis" looks like on the ground? 



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Green Majority Radio

Lord of the resources

September 19, 2016
| Environmental Lawyer Barbora Grochalova joins us to talk about Ontario and the Western Climate Initiative. This market approach means to hopefully limit carbon emissions, but will it?
Length: 55:17 minutes (50.63 MB)

Trade deals' investor-state provisions: A sub-criminal conspiracy?

Photo: flickr/Tim Stoll

There is a glaring disconnect in the world between economic growth, and trade and investment agreements.

At the same time that Canada and other countries are pushing hard for huge multi-national deals -- the TPP, CETA and the U.S.-EU deal, the TTIP -- all the evidence suggests that global trade is on a long-term downward trend. Nothing in the near or middle term future suggests that it will recover to anything like its China-driven peak.

Financial Times analyst Martin Wolf recently argued bluntly that globalization no longer drives the world economy.


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