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dirty tap water
| February 15, 2017

Vancouver Island old-growth forest almost gone

January 18, 2017
| Ninety per cent of the forests on Vancouver Island have been logged. Now the B.C. Chamber of Commerce and the Union of B.C. Municipalities have joined the fight to save the last 10 per cent.
Length: 12:03 minutes (11.04 MB)
Image: Facebook/Arthur Manuel
| January 18, 2017

Thousands pledge to fight Kinder Morgan in the streets

December 12, 2016
| Following Justin Trudeau's approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, thousands of people have pledged to do whatever it takes to stop the project.
Length: 12:40 minutes (11.6 MB)
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Paxson Woelber
| December 6, 2016

Ryan McMahon on 'Colonization Road' and other stories

December 5, 2016
| We spoke with Anishinaabe comedian and media-maker Ryan McMahon when he was in Vancouver for Media Democracy Days.
Length: 17:11 minutes (15.73 MB)

Resource development in northeastern B.C. brings increased risk of violence to Indigenous women and girls

December 4, 2016
| A new report by Amnesty International raises the alarm over increased risks to Indigenous women in the Peace River region. Craig Benjamin says violence is so pervasive it has become normalized.
Length: 23:44 minutes (21.74 MB)

Kinder Morgan approval stirs feelings of betrayal in Canadians who voted for Trudeau

Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
Cynicism is part and parcel of the Liberal strategy to get elected at any cost -- but the disconnect between rhetoric and action is impossible to maintain for any length of time.

Related story:

Stand for the Artic and with Clyde River Inuit

View of Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada including beached komatiks

We must stand up for the Artic.  The Inuit community of Clyde River, Nunavut has taken its case against seismic blasting to Supreme Court and will be in court on November 30 and December.  The outcome of the case could help keep the destructive practice of siesmic blasting, the dangerous first step in offshore oil exploration, out of the Arctic.


Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
| November 29, 2016
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