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A conversation on 'Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America'

February 15, 2017
| A new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber examines the increasing presence of Canadian mining companies in Latin America and the environmental and human rights abuses that occur as a result.
Length: 13:50 minutes (12.68 MB)
radio book lounge

Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America

January 19, 2017
| Canadian mining interests in Latin America often claim that they are providing jobs and investing in the local community. But a new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber shows otherwise.
Length: 27:35 minutes (28.78 MB)

Honduras recalled: the 2009 coup

July 26, 2016
| Perspectives from people harmed by the coup and Hillary Clinton
Length: 29:09 minutes (40.05 MB)

Abortion in Chile

November 1, 2015
| As of October 25, 2015, Chile's Congress is debating de-criminalizing abortion in cases of life endangerment, fetal malformation, and up to 18 weeks only in cases of rape.
Length: 29:06 minutes (39.98 MB)

Open veins and conciliation on the path of U.S.-Cuban relations

Photo: PresidenciaRD/flickr

For the first time in more than half a century, the presidents of the United States and Cuba have had a formal meeting. Barack Obama met with Cuban President Raúl Castro at the 7th Summit of the Americas, held this year in Panama City. Cuba's participation has been blocked by the U.S. since the summit began in 1994. This historic moment occurs with some sadness, however: Eduardo Galeano, the great Uruguayan writer who did so much to explain the deeply unequal relations between Latin America and the U.S. and Europe, died as the summit ended.


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Meeting Castro: Harper fails history, feigns support for democracy

Photo: OEA - OAS/flickr

Stephen Harper met Cuban President Raúl Castro at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City last weekend. Officials called it a "pull aside" to signify it was not a formal sit-down meeting, but the prime minister still described it as "a long and detailed" conversation.

If Stephen Harper has gotten his way, Cuba would still be uninvited to the regular get-togethers of heads of government, held under the auspices of the Organization of American States (OAS).


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| February 14, 2015
| December 11, 2014

Latin Americans pay the price for corporate climate destruction

Photo: flickr/Development Planning Unit

Information contained in a new report that details how multinational corporations are destroying the environment and causing serious climate damage in Latin America brings attention to an important area not being discussed at the UN COP 20 climate negotiations being held in Peru.

The report describes in detail how the destruction caused by three European multinational corporations is typical of the damage caused by multi-nationals throughout the continent.



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