Pierre Beaudet

Pierre Beaudet Syndicate content

Pierre Beaudet, active in international solidarity and social movements in Quebec, is founder of Quebec NGO Alternatives, and Editor of the Nouveaux cahiers du socialisme. He blogs on rabble.ca in English and French.
| August 10, 2016
| October 24, 2015
Source: https://coifferieparadiso.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/quebec_canada-flag
| August 17, 2015
Françoise David, spokesperson for Québec solidaire, in 2008
| April 1, 2015
| January 12, 2015

'Civilisation Occidentale' et l'héritage du colonialisme

Photo: flickr/ceedot
Pour être loyal à la tradition de Charlie-Hebdo, il faut empêcher une dérive autoritaire et anti-immigrante au nom de la "civilisation".

Related rabble.ca story:

| January 9, 2015
| July 21, 2014
| July 21, 2014
| July 3, 2014
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