Robert Chernomas

Robert ChernomasSyndicate content

Robert Chernomas is a Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba. He received his Ph.D. from the New School for Social Research in New York. Robert is the co-author (with Ian Hudson) of The Gatekeeper: 60 Years of Economics According to the New York Times (2011) and of Social Murder and Other Shortcomings of Conservative Economics. He has published in both the academic and popular literature with respect to macroeconomics, the history of economic thought, health care economics and in the area of the socio-economic determinants of health. He has lectured in Canada, the US, China, Africa and Europe. He has spoken and written numerous times on these topics and others in the media, for unions, church groups and other activist groups, including the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Association of University Teachers. He has been co-chair of the Alternative Federal Budget, active in his own union for twenty years (President, Chief Bargainer) and is currently a Board member of the Council of Canadians.
Photo: Bob ~ Barely Time/flickr
| September 16, 2015
Photo: World Economic Forum/flickr
| January 24, 2014
Photo: Andreas Metz/flickr
| January 16, 2014
Photo: VJ Beauchamp/flickr
| January 9, 2014
| April 6, 2011
| October 4, 2008
| September 30, 2008
| September 28, 2008
| September 20, 2008
| September 14, 2008
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