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Green Majority Radio

International cooperation in the age of Trump

January 31, 2017
| Dr. Hugh Sealy, one of the lead negotiators for the small island states, is our guest to talk about international climate cooperation in the age of Trump.
Length: 53:11 minutes (48.7 MB)
| January 28, 2017
| November 26, 2016

Canada-Europe trade deal no longer a foregone conclusion

November 15, 2016
| With the regional government of Wallonia's vote to reject CETA, the future of the deal is less certain. Stuart Trew explains what Wallonia's initial opposition meant and how this impacts Canadians.
Length: 16:15 minutes (14.89 MB)
Image: National Post
| November 1, 2016
| October 20, 2016
| September 15, 2016
| September 10, 2016
| August 31, 2016
Photo: Dariusz Więckiewicz/flickr
| July 28, 2016
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