Judy Rebick

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Judy Rebick is the author of Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political and was the founding publisher of rabble.ca. She also holds the CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy.
Photo: Ursula Franklin
| July 25, 2016
Judy Rebick
| May 25, 2016
| February 5, 2016
Judy Rebick Endorser Ad
| October 9, 2015
| September 15, 2015
| July 9, 2015

Join the March for Jobs, Justice, and the Climate on July 5

Photo: flickr/ Billy Wilson
The March for Jobs, Justice, and the Climate led by Indigenous contingents will be the start of a new movement bringing together major forces in the struggle for transformative change.

Related rabble.ca story:

| June 29, 2015
| April 12, 2015
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