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Making nice with Washington is not a foreign policy

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Canada ended the Second World War as the third-ranking world power.

Though greatly eclipsed by the United States (and the Soviet Union), Canada was positioned ahead of the traditional great powers, France, Germany, the U.K. and China. Weakened by war, none were able to play a substantial role on the world scene.

At the crucial juncture when postwar direction was set and the Bretton Woods institutions, the UN and NATO established, policies championed by the U.S. dominated the world.

Enjoying a brief period of enhanced stature because of its strong (centrally planned) wartime economy, Canada developed a "quiet diplomacy" approach to the world hegemonic power.

The idea was to use close relations with the U.S. to exert influence on the world scene.


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Photo: ser_is_snarkish/flickr
| December 14, 2016
Photo: Ali Eminov/flickr
| October 29, 2016

As NATO war-mongering against Russia intensifies, Canada faces a difficult choice

Photo: Corporal Andy Reddy RLC/7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command/fli

No area of public policy is so shrouded in secrecy, obfuscation and outright deception than foreign policy. Most of the time it doesn't seem to matter much to the majority of voters who have more pressing things to worry about. But when Canadians read a headline that says "Russia mobilizing for war" one would hope they would take notice. A more absurd declaration is hard to imagine but there it was -- coming out of the offices of CSIS, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. It was just the latest alarmist rhetoric in a steady stream of anti-Russian propaganda that coincided with the largest NATO military exercise -- dubbed Anaconda -- since the end of the Cold War.


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Canadians need more than celebrity from Justin Trudeau

Photo: World Bank Photo Collection/flickr

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It was a night for nostalgia, the eighth and last White House Correspondents Dinner for U.S. President Barack Obama. The one-time Harvard Law Review editor and community organizer, a basketball-savvy president with worldwide appeal, was doing his final stand-up before the audience of media, political and Hollywood stars.


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Saudi arms deal sheds unsavoury light on Liberal foreign policy

Photo: Laurel L. Russwurm/flickr

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The unbearable lightness of Stéphane Dion

Photo: UN Geneva/flickr

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At the end of May, the Trudeau team and, specifically, its piffle of a global affairs minister, Stéphane Dion, will likely fail two significant foreign policy tests that will challenge their ability to comply with domestic and international law. One deals with an individual war criminal, while the other is a massive terrorism and torture trade show coming to Ottawa.


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Canadians detained abroad need more than 'responsible conviction'

Photo: Barrie Greens/flickr

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Acknowledging Canada's complicity in the Libyan catastrophe

Photo: mojomogwai/flickr

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The dystopian situation in Libya is so persistent that when we hear news of yet another slaughter, or the fragility of the new unity government, or ISIS taking over large swaths of the country, we just file it under "old news" and wait for the next story. 


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Why is Justin Trudeau invited to the White House?

Photo: Pete Souza/Wikimedia Commons

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The Obama White House hosts Justin Trudeau for a state dinner March 10. This is the first full-scale official visit by a Canadian prime minister since 1997.

Justin Trudeau has attracted major media attention in the U.S., raising his profile in Canada. For the prime minister, the visit has already borne fruit.


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