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| January 28, 2017

Harper trumpets Canada's international role even as our reputation declines

Photo: pmwebphotos/flickr

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There was a cute moment in last Monday's leaders' debate on foreign affairs. Stephen Harper, with the worst environmental policy in the developed world, was arguing that he actually had the best -- the most "responsible," "balanced," "transparent" and so on.

"He's always doing that!" an exasperated Justin Trudeau blurted out, but he couldn't nail him down.


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Exclusive interview: Robert Fisk on Syria's civil war and the refugee crisis

Photo: flickr/ Mohamed Nanabhay

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December 10, 2014 |
Today is Human Rights Day. In Canada, the day is marked with raised awareness of human rights issues both home and abroad.
| September 3, 2014

What are the experts saying about the war in Gaza?

Photo: flickr/DAVID HOLT
Is the war in Gaza really about Israel stopping a Palestinian unity government? What a destructive and unnecessary war!

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Gaza: What a destructive and unnecessary war!

Photo: flickr/DAVID HOLT

The war in Gaza is really about Israel stopping a fledgling Palestinian unity government of Fatah and Hamas that might have paved way for a two-state solution in Israel Palestine. 

But before delving into that, let's contemplate what might happen once the violence subsides and there is a return to the status quo of continued Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) in Israel's occupied West Bank and a bystander during the hostilities in Gaza, has "one last ace in the hole," says Michael Lynk, a labour law professor and writer on international legal issues with the Israel-Palestine dispute.



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July 21, 2014 |
Public Services International is calling for an immediate long-lasting ceasefire and return to negotiations in the Israel and Palestine conflict.

Eight crucial points: Understanding Israel's assault on Gaza

Photo: flickr/Amir Farshad Ebrahimi

Like us, you are probably saddened and upset by the recent surge in violence between Israel and Hamas. The violence directed at civilians on both sides is wrong, and should be condemned. However, as many of you have probably noticed, Israel's pro-occupation media machine is hard at work promoting a lopsided view of the conflict in mainstream media. Therefore, we've compiled a few points to provide better context and more balanced info as you discuss the situation with your friends, family and any media contacts. 

1. The casualty toll is the best indicator of the misery inflicted



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Israel, Canada and struggles for decolonization

Photo: Kashfi Halford/flickr

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