Maude Barlow

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Maude Barlow is the National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians and chairs the board of Washington-based Food and Water Watch. She is also an executive member of the San Francisco–based International Forum on Globalization and a Councillor with the Hamburg-based World Future Council. Maude is the recipient of 11 honorary doctorates as well as many awards, including the 2005 Right Livelihood Award (known as the “Alternative Nobel”), the Citation of Lifetime Achievement at the 2008 Canadian Environment Award, and the 2009 Earth Day Canada Outstanding Environmental Achievement Award. In 2008/2009, she served as Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly. She is also the best-selling author or co-author of 16 books, including the international best seller Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and The Coming Battle for the Right to Water. More information on Maude Barlow can be found at:
Flickr/Shubhika Bharathwaj
| November 1, 2016
| July 29, 2015
| July 6, 2015
Image: Flickr/CouncilofCanadians
| May 28, 2015
Photo: Bert Kaufmann, Flickr Creative Commons, Drought
| March 22, 2015
| February 9, 2015
Tsal'alh elders in sacred dress
| January 22, 2015
| October 20, 2014
| September 19, 2014
Photo: Rick Harris, Flickr Media Commons
| September 19, 2014
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