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Image: Adam Zeek/flickr
| February 14, 2017
Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmorev
| August 4, 2016
July 27, 2016 |
The film "Me Before You" is yet another fictional story written by a non-disabled person that romanticizes stereotypes and marginalizes disabled people.

Fat activism: A history by and for fat people

Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement

by Charlotte Cooper
(HammerOn Press,

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Photo: Bonnie Brayton
| March 9, 2016
| October 8, 2015
Allison and her awesome son.
| April 16, 2015
| February 6, 2015
| February 6, 2015

Stopping Use of the "R-Word"

Challenging language is an essential part of activist work. Often, derogatory language is subtle, and can "infiltrate" everday life and common speech without much notice. One of the problematic and highly offensive terms that society seems to be hanging onto is the word "retarded." Using the r-word in place of adjectives such as harmful, annoying, troublesome (or any other negative connotation) is not only extremely hurtful but exclusionary and able-ist.



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