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Emily Wolfrey's arrest at Muskrat Falls
| October 19, 2016

Mad Room: Black artist lays bare struggle with depression, anxiety

Images courtesy of Gloria Swain

Tangled Art Gallery in Toronto is opening its first-ever installation, featuring the work of local artist Gloria Swain and focusing on her experience as a Black woman in the mental health system.

The gallery is supported by Tangled Art + Disability which sponsors disability arts across the country. Tangled Art Gallery just opened in the spring this year and bills itself as the first in the country dedicated to showcasing disability arts.

The inaugural season launches September 22 with Artist in Residence Swain.


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'The system isn't broken -- it was built this way!' Black Lives Matter Toronto rally on SIU's doorstep

Photo: Steph Wechsler

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The criminal justice and police oversight systems in Canada aren't malfunctioning. They were designed to disproportionately criminalize communities of colour. So Black Lives Matter Toronto is saying: shut it down.

On the one-month anniversary of police killing Abdirahman Abdi, a 37-year-old Somali-Canadian man, outside his Ottawa home, Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapters rallied in seven cities across Canada.



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July 29, 2016 |
Abdirahman Abdi died after witnesses say Ottawa police violently beat him on July 24. Now, the Canadian Labour Congress is backing community calls for a transparent investigation.

Welcome to Wynnetario

Dear Kathleen Wynne, You're right, it's your job. It's your job to stop the cops, stop the violence, stop the discrimination.


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Videotaping police violence is not a crime

Photo: Scott Ableman/flickr

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Image: YouTube/Track Two -- Enough is Enough (Documentary on 1981 Bath house rai
| July 13, 2016
| July 8, 2016

May Day 2016: Support protesters in Montreal

Montreal May Day

In 2015, police arrested 87 people, teargassed protestors and, punched Xavier Amodeo repeatedly while arresting him. Unsurprisingly, an internal police body decided against investigating the rough arrest and police actions.


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