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Not Rex: Elegy for Fort Mac (and humanity)

Fort Mac Town is burning down.

Did a hot spring and a dry winter create this? Or perhaps a spark of dry lightening? Or was it the winds of climate change? Or is it too soon to ask any of these questions.

Humberto "Not Rex" DaSilva decides it is time to ask the big questions.


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Not Rex: Panama Papers outrage can make fair taxes possible

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Inequality is so top-heavy it's teetering. Public debt levels are at the tipping point. And, the planet itself is unstable.

The world's richest continue to evade taxes by stashing millions in off-shore accounts. Will the revelations from the Panama Papers finally make the rich pay?

Let's hope it's the final pinch of outrage needed to flambé this upside-down cake.


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Not Rex: Trudeau needs to start moving on electoral reform promise

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During his election campaign and at his Throne Speech, Justin Trudeau promised to make every vote count. However, lately on the news of electoral reform it has been crickets.

So what did Trudeau mean when he said "make every vote count": proportional representation, mixed-member proportional representation or ranked ballots?

The Liberals seem to love the last option, which could be a recipe for disaster.


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Not Rex: On the Flint Michigan water crisis

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After taking office in 2011, Governor Rick Snyder decreed tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy and cuts pensions and "other efficiencies" to pay for them.

One of these efficiencies was to force residents to drink out of the Flint river instead of Lake Huron. Ever since, Flint's tap water has been loaded with lead.


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Not Rex: On Canada's hypocritical relationship with Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia, our Middle Eastern allies, just killed 47 people deemed "terrorists" in a single day. But, Canada has "no intention" of cancelling $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau really wanted "real change" perhaps he should consider nixing this arms deal.


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Not Rex: On praying for Paris... sort of.

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The Paris atrocities have unleashed the worst in our nature and become an excuse to deny refugees access to safer lives and to let Islamophobia run rampant.

Don't pray for Paris, and passively march behind the drum beat of war. If you really want to help Paris, dig deep for your humanity.


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Not Rex: Canada's vote for change feels like more of the same

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Canada is Harper free! And if our new prime minister undoes the worst Harper damage, it will feel like the second coming.

Here's a list from Humberto "Not Rex" DaSilva on what Justin Trudeau needs to do in order to actually create change.


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Not Rex: On the barbarian foothold in Canada

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"Hello, Barbaric Cultural Practices snitch line, Not Rex would like to report a misogynistic practice promoted by foreign interests and a male-dominated culture..."


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Not Rex: What Harper's 'old-stock Canadians' comment really means

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During the Globe debate, Prime Minister Stephen Harper made a reference to "old-stock Canadians" which quickly sent Twitter into a frenzy.

The day after, Harper was quick to clarify, and backpedal, on his comment saying he meant Canadians who have been here more than one generation. Hmm, Humberto "Not Rex" DaSilva is not buying it.


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Not Rex: Black Lives Matter protest with civil disobedience in support of civil rights

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Black Lives Matter protesters shut down a highway in Toronto to protest police killings of Black men in Toronto. Was their protest civil disobedience in support of civil rights? Or was it something else?


For more information on the action, read here.


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