The tens of thousands of Jews who migrated to Canada in the first part of the past century came as immigrants, not refugees, so it might ring false to compare them to, say, recent Syrian arrivals. But they could've been seen as refugees, based on motives and experience, as they fled pogroms in Eastern Europe. That's how my grandparents got here, from Ukraine and Belarus.
Hunger strike continues as Goodale refuses to meet with immigration detainees
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Update: On Thursday, Ralph Goodale met with Regina-based group Colonialism No More, who have been camping outside of the Regina INAC office for over 100 days, to discuss a variety of issues including the hunger strike by immigration detainees in Ontario.
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Migrant workers push to be heard at Temporary Foreign Worker Program review
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The Coalition for Migrant Worker Rights Canada (CMWRC) has organized #StatusNow actions across Canada to demand immediate permanent resident status for all migrant workers.
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Solidarity Across Borders occupies Montreal CBSA, demands status for all
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Over 30 activists and allies of the migrant advocacy group Solidarity Across Borders staged an occupation of the Montreal office of the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) on Tuesday, May 3.
"Our aim was to disturb, for a day, [the CBSA's] work and to pass along our message," Romina Hernandez, an active member of Solidarity Across Borders, told rabble in a phone interview.
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Refugee family sponsored by Unifor one step closer to coming to Canada
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Union-sponsored Syrian refugee families waiting for immigration clearance could be settled in Canada by the end of the year following a recent decision to restart application processing.
Unifor, which is sponsoring five families, rushed to file documents last Wednesday after the federal government announced it would process all Syrian refugee applications that had not been included in its 25,000 quota from the war-torn country before March 31.
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'Project Guardian' raids on caregivers leads to calls for immigration reform
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